Sunday, 4 April 2010

Not Much to Say...

Although I don't really have a lot to say at the moment, I've been feeling like this blog has been neglected for quite some time now. And I did promise myself I was going to make more of an effort to blog in 2010!

So where to begin? Well I've practically finished uni for the year now. (I know!) And it's only April. I do have a couple of things to crack on with, and when I say crack on with I mean assignments and revision which I'll probably leave until the day before the deadline. But no more lectures, no more 9am starts - nothing. And if I'm being honest, it has got me rather down. I used to relish summer, it was the magical time of year where we had no school, no teachers and we could watch TV during the day! Now, gone is the magic and I have to look forward to is September when uni starts again. Which thinking about it is quite funny actually because I hate (really I HATE) my course but enduring a few hours of nouns and phonology and grammar and syntax a week sounds a lot more pleasing than having to move back home to a tiny little tiny tiny town where NOTHING happens!

Four months of boredom, here I come!

At least Doctor Who is back on the telly...

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