Saturday, 30 May 2009

I had my first exam yesterday, one down one to go and then that is it for my first year at university! Strange huh?

Anyway, heading home today, joy a three hour train journey awaits me! No actually, I'm hoping it'll be a quite train today, I want to get stuck into Eclipse (Twilight part 3). So far it's got of to a bit of a dull start with not much going on yet, but I'm only on chapter 5 at the moment - these damn exams are taking up all of my time! At least it's the summer holidays soon, then I can get lots and lots of reading (and hopefully writing) done. I've currently still got Stephen King's IT and Agatha Christie's Murder at the Vicarage to read as well as a couple of other's I want to check out.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

When did I sign up to this thing? Hold on while I check...

2007! WOW! I didn't think it was that long ago. Well it's by time I put this place to good use. Not that I expect thousands of readers or anything, but it's a pretty nifty place to post my thoughts from time to time even if it does end up just being for me. Well, where to start?

I really haven't been up to much lately, I think the most excitement I've had in the past week was the American Idol final. Sad Adam lost, but whatever, he seems to be doing okay. I have been back at home since my uni term ended (my first year is almost over - scary huh?) and my first exam is tomorrow. Nervous? No not really, despite doing like ten minutes of revising. It doesn't matter though, I have three hours alone on a train in the morning I can do some then. But apart from that nothing. We are moving house soon, back to our old house. I actually can't wait, our garden up there is much bigger and we actually have grass and a patio, yes I said grass and a patio! Hopefully it'll be a nice summer so I can spend some days in the garden with a book, how heavenly does that sound? Pretty heavenly I'd say. Although I do burn easily, so I'm going to have to make sure I have sun cream, and my hayfever needs to be under control as well. God I sound like an old woman!

I guess that's it for now, I just wanted to put this place to good years after having it since December 2007, that's what just over a year? Or a year and a half? I know my maths sucks!